
Jobs in New Orleans

New Orleans, nicknamed the America's Favorite City, where some 484,700 people reside, offers many good job and living opportunities. New Orleans and nearby suburbs serve as a great location for many large and small companies in many business fields, that are always looking for good employees. A number of well-known businesses have offices and facilities here in New Orleans. Many local government agencies as well as these private sector organizations are looking currently for new employees, and predict continued employment growth. Talented employees looking for new challenges will probably have a number of job opportunities beckon. The next sections of this page present a lot of information about the job market and employment in the New Orleans area. If you have questions concerning salaries, the job market, and potential for employment in the future, you may find some answers here.

What can I expect to earn in New Orleans? What are some the best-paying jobs?

If you're new in the job market, or thinking about moving, you are likely curious about how salaries compare. Information about salaries can certainly contribute to deciding whether to change careers, or relocate to the New Orleans area. Another area of interest may be what the top-paying careers are here in the New Orleans metropolitan area. Fortunately, this type of information is accessible to anyone with computer access through a website of the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS). Here is some information for wage data from 2008 from the BLS database. The annual income in New Orleans was averaging about $44,065. In the greater New Orleans area, managers in all professions have annual incomes of $86,410, on average. Not everyone wants to be a manager; for example, here are some high salary professions with at least 7,750 people employed in each occupation.

Job Title Average Annual Income for JobSalary Range for Job
10th – 90th percentile
Registered nurses$64,040$47,070 - $83,420
Secretaries, except legal, medical, and executive$28,820$20,610 - $39,870
Retail salespersons$23,210$14,660 - $34,580
Laborers and freight, stock, and material movers, hand$22,590$14,950 - $31,980
Waiters and waitresses$18,150$14,200 - $23,840
Food preparation workers$17,600$14,300 - $22,710

Are there going to be more jobs in this career field in the future? In which career fields will there be the most job openings over the next few years?

Like most people, knowing a job's salary is one important factor for you, and that your chosen career field offers some security and potential for advancement in the future. You want to know if there are any companies that might be expanding and increasing their interest in the local area. Fortunately, this data has been compiled for you, and it's quick and easy to access online. The Department of Labor Bureau of Labor Statistics makes a huge database available that contains this information. Here are just a few of the jobs in and around New Orleans that have the most growth potential over the next few years:

  • Biochemists and biophysicists
  • Environmental science and protection technicians, including health
  • Market research analysts
  • Survey researchers
  • Environmental scientists and specialists, including health
  • Computer software engineers
  • Cartographers and photogrammetrists
  • Medical equipment repairers

Want more information on jobs in New Orleans?

If you want more detailed information, or information for other types of jobs, you can find that information on the Department of Labor Bureau of Labor Statistics website as well:

And, to assist you further, click below to access actual job openings available now in New Orleans:

Want to learn more about getting a degree or professional training?

Here in New Orleans, about 30.0% of the population have Bachelor's degrees, while only about 11.4% hold a M.S. or M.A. degree. You want to know if there are any companies that might be expanding and increasing their interest in the local area. There are many affordable and flexible options available to you for professional certifications as well as in degree programs, to open the door to a new career and a higher salary. People of all ages are now going back to school - join them and your new degree can assist you in earning a higher paycheck soon. To get started today, follow this link to your new future: Online Colleges in Louisiana