
Saint Louis Weather and Climate

The temperature in St. Louis generally hovers around 50 - 70 degrees F with highs of 80-90 during summers in the months of July - August and subzero temperatures during winter accompanied by snowfall. The nights during the winter can be cool to very cold but usually the temperature variation between daytime and night is moderate.

The average annual rainfall is 38 inches. It usually rains once in a week which keeps the temperature moderate. It is also interesting to note that Spring is the wettest season, but also the most inviting season as the temperature is just about 50-55 degrees F. Summers are hot and humid while winter is the driest of the seasons with snowfalls of about 22 inches. Along with these, thunderstorms and winter storms are also common in this area. 

During winters i.e. end of December and early January, the temperature could take a serious dip and could get around 0 degrees F. The winters are cold and jittery and also dry. Winters also have windy storm systems which fills frigid days and nights with heavy freezing rain and snowfall. Spring has extreme weather conditions including thunderstorms, hail storms, tornadoes and windy days.

The variation in temperature is because of the geographical location of the city as well as the landscape. Located at a transitional zone between moderate continental climates to humid subtropical climates, the city experiences temperature variations both because of arctic cold waves and subtropical hot and humid waves. There are no hills or large water bodies around to moderate the temperature extremes caused by such waves.