
Trenton Demographics and Statistics

The demographic data of the metropolitan statistical area of Trenton present some truly exciting facts.This region is populated significantly by residents of a number of cultures, heritages, and lifestyles. The United States Census Bureau provides insight into a number of interesting findings. This rise in the overall population of the area is due to a combination of the following factors: domestic migration, international migration and natural changes i.e. ratio of births and deaths occurring in the city.

Trenton, NJ

People QuickFacts Trenton New Jersey
Population, 2006 estimate 83,923 8,724,560
Population, percent change, April 1, 2000 to July 1, 2006 -1.7% 3.7%
Population, 2000 85,403 8,414,350
Persons under 5 years old, percent, 2000 7.6% 6.7%
Persons under 18 years old, percent, 2000 27.7% 24.8%
Persons 65 years old and over, percent, 2000 11.4% 13.2%
Female persons, percent, 2000 50.6% 51.5%
White persons, percent, 2000 (a) 32.6% 72.6%
Black persons, percent, 2000 (a) 52.1% 13.6%
American Indian and Alaska Native persons, percent, 2000 (a) 0.4% 0.2%
Asian persons, percent, 2000 (a) 0.8% 5.7%
Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander, percent, 2000 (a) 0.2% Z
Persons reporting two or more races, percent, 2000 3.2% 2.5%
Persons of Hispanic or Latino origin, percent, 2000 (b) 21.5% 13.3%
Living in same house in 1995 and 2000, pct 5 yrs old & over 55.5% 59.8%
Foreign born persons, percent, 2000 14.1% 17.5%
Language other than English spoken at home, pct age 5+, 2000 27.4% 25.5%
High school graduates, percent of persons age 25+, 2000 62.4% 82.1%
Bachelor's degree or higher, pct of persons age 25+, 2000 9.2% 29.8%
Mean travel time to work (minutes), workers age 16+, 2000 24.1 30.0
Housing units, 2000 33,843 3,310,275
Homeownership rate, 2000 45.5% 65.6%
Median value of owner-occupied housing units, 2000 $65,500 $170,800
Households, 2000 29,437 3,064,645
Persons per household, 2000 2.75 2.68
Median household income, 1999 $31,074 $55,146
Per capita money income, 1999 $14,621 $27,006
Persons below poverty, percent, 1999 21.1% 8.5%
Business QuickFacts Trenton New Jersey
Wholesale trade sales, 2002 ($1000) 556,274 256,925,492
Retail sales, 2002 ($1000) 315,499 102,153,833
Retail sales per capita, 2002 $3,702 $11,911
Accommodation and foodservices sales, 2002 ($1000) 62,362 15,715,595
Total number of firms, 2002 3,406 708,837
Black-owned firms, percent, 2002 18.8% 5.1%
American Indian and Alaska Native owned firms, percent, 2002 F 0.4%
Asian-owned firms, percent, 2002 6.3% 7.3%
Hispanic-owned firms, percent, 2002 S 7.0%
Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander owned firms, percent, 2002 F 0.1%
Women-owned firms, percent, 2002 29.5% 26.1%
Geography QuickFacts Trenton New Jersey
Land area, 2000 (square miles) 7 7,417
Persons per square mile, 2000 11,149.2 1,134.4
FIPS Code 74000 34
Counties Mercer County