
Austin Schools

The city of Austin has one of the best schooling systems in Texas and is occasionally featured above the other schools for its innovative practices that aim to increase the effect of education on children. The schools of Austin utilize innovative and effective new teaching methodologies or grading methods that help in raising the overall level of grades. Most of the neighborhoods in Texas cost according to the quality of public or private schools in the area. Hence before picking a house, one needs to look at the quality of school in the area.

Schools in Austin are rated based on the percentage of its students which pass the state wide TAKS test. The schools are given three ratings: Academically Acceptable, Exemplary and Recognized. Exemplary is the highest rating given to schools.

There are many affordable schools found in Austin. Also of great help in Texas will be the school's Academic Excellence Indicator System that helps gauge the performance of a particular school to a greater extent.

The Austin area independent school district is one of the largest employers in Austin. Other Independent Schools districts are Eanes, Lago Vista, Lake Travis and Round Rock. The University of Texas is also located in Austin and has the fifth largest campus enrolment in United States.

Austin School Resources