
Jobs in Milwaukee

Milwaukee , known as A Great Place on a Great Lake, with a population of about 597,000, provides a great environment to live and work in. Milwaukee and its metropolitan areas are home to companies large and small which translates to thousands of employment opportunities. You'll probably recognize the names of many of the companies and organizations that are proud to call Milwaukee home. A large number of companies, and the local government, have job openings, and expect job growth to continue. Job-seekers with the right talents, qualifications and experience can find quite a number of job openings in their career field. Continue reading below, and you'll see we have provided you with a wealth of helpful information regarding jobs, salaries and future opportunities the Milwaukee and the surrounding suburbs. If you're curious about current wages, job openings, and career areas with the best potential, we hope you find the following information helpful.

What are people earning in Milwaukee? Curious about the jobs that pay the best?

When you're looking for a new job, or thinking of relocating, you are probably also curious about how salaries compare. Having access to data about salaries is a often key factor in deciding whether to change careers, or relocate to the Milwaukee area. Another area of interest may be the types of jobs in the Milwaukee area that pay the most. Fortunately, this type of information can be found on a Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) website database. Here are some examples of data available for 2008, from the BLS wage survey, pulled from the website database. For Milwaukee, data shows salaries are averaging about $48,631. Managers in Milwaukee have annual incomes of $104,200, on average. If you want to earn a good income, but don't want to be a manager, consider some of these high-paying careers that employ, here in the Milwaukee area, at least 3,500 people.

Job Title Average Annual Income for Job Salary Range for Job
10th – 90th percentile
Computer software engineers, applications $76,100 $51,410 - $104,280
Computer systems analysts $74,410 $48,950 - $103,040
Sales representatives, wholesale and manufacturing, except technical and scientific products $66,480 $31,060 - $109,000
Accountants and auditors $65,330 $40,610 - $93,880
Business operations specialists, all other $65,040 $38,200 - $99,720
Registered nurses $62,730 $45,810 - $81,540
First-line supervisors/managers of production and operating workers $60,000 $36,570 - $86,600
Police and sheriff's patrol officers $57,900 $44,150 - $73,260
Sales representatives, services, all other $57,120 $25,450 - $96,670

Tell me about the potential for job growth… In which career fields will there be the most job openings over the next few years?

If you’re like most people, you’re not only concerned about what a job pays, but that there will be more jobs available, not fewer, in the future in this career area. You want to know if there are any companies that are considered to be in growth industries by economic experts. You don't need a crystal ball, or to do a lot of research - it is available to anyone with access to a computer, easily and quickly. The BLS website provides access to a database that you can query to get this kind of information. In Milwaukee, these are some of the types of careers that have the most growth potential over the next few years:

  • Life scientists
  • Dental assistants
  • Medical equipment repairers
  • Dental hygienists
  • Physical therapists
  • Occupational therapist assistants and aides
  • Personal financial advisors
  • Fitness trainers and aerobics instructors
  • Network systems and data communications analysts

To learn more about Milwaukee employment:

If data about jobs you are interested in wasn't on this page, you can find that information on the Department of Labor Bureau of Labor Statistics website as well:

And, to assist you further, click below to access current employment opportunities in the Milwaukee area:


Need more training or want to learn about getting a degree?

About 26.0% of Milwaukee residents have a Bachelor's degree, and just 9.9% have completed a Masters program. You want to know if there are any companies that are considered to be in growth industries by economic experts. Affordable, flexible programs are offered by many schools to earn a degree or a professional certification, which will give you an advantage and many more job opportunities. Don't put your future on hold any longer - you'll be earning more money, in a better job, in a short time. To get started today, click on this link: Wisconsin Online Schools