
Jobs in Riverside

Riverside, fondly called City of Arts and Innovation, home to about 255,200 people, rates highly as a place to live and work. Riverside and its metropolitan areas serve as a great location for many large and small companies in many business fields, that are always looking for good employees. Quite a few nationally-known companies have offices and facilities here in Riverside. Many are hiring now and expect job growth to continue. Those who are talented and well-qualified can find quite a number of job openings in their career field. The next sections of this page present a wealth of helpful information regarding jobs, salaries and future opportunities in the greater Riverside metropolitan area. If you're curious about average salaries, what jobs pay the best or offer the best employment potential, the following data should be of interest to you.

What are people earning in Riverside? What kinds of jobs have the best pay?

When you're looking for a new job, or thinking of relocating, you are probably also wondering what average salaries are. This type of information could help you decide whether to move to Riverside, or change professions. Or, you may be interested in what professions offer the best potential for higher earnings in Riverside. Luckily, this data is readily accessible on the Department of Labor’s Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) website. We have extracted some representative information from the 2008 BLS wage survey from the database. Annual income in Riverside is reported to average $49,295. On average, employees in management positions in the Riverside area make about $97,800 per annum. If you want to earn a good income, but don't want to be a manager, you might consider some of these jobs, that pay extremely well, and with over 7,500 people employed in each type of job shown.

Job Title Average Annual Income for JobSalary Range for Job
10th – 90th percentile
Registered nurses$75,810$57,910 - $97,500
Elementary school teachers, except special education$62,830$38,570 - $89,980
Secondary school teachers, except special and vocational education$62,440$39,120 - $88,670
Sales representatives, wholesale and manufacturing, except technical and scientific products$62,120$29,100 - $102,710
Business operations specialists, all other$58,490$31,540 - $92,280
First-line supervisors/managers of office and administrative support workers$50,610$30,330 - $74,510
Carpenters$50,480$29,610 - $77,360
Executive secretaries and administrative assistants$44,510$29,250 - $63,400
Truck drivers, heavy and tractor-trailer$43,640$27,690 - $64,170

Tell me about the potential for job growth… What career fields will have the most job openings in the next few years?

You're probably interested to learn not only what average salaries are, but like most people, also, that this is a growing industry and profession, so you will have even more opportunities in the future. You want to know if there are any companies that are considered to be in growth industries by economic experts. You can get answers to many of these questions, and it is simple and easy to get on-line. There is a BLS database that you can query to get this kind of information. Here are some of the specific types of jobs in the Riverside area that are predicted to experience the greatest growth over the next several years in job openings:

  • Biochemists and biophysicists
  • Physical therapist assistants and aides
  • Compliance officers, except agriculture, construction, health and safety, and transportation
  • Employment, recruitment, and placement specialists
  • Cartographers and photogrammetrists
  • Occupational therapist assistants and aides

For more information about jobs in Riverside:

If you want information about annual salaries or potential job growth for some other jobs, click on the link below to go to the BLS website and the employment database:

You may want to check out the links below for actual job openings available now in Riverside:

Need a higher degree, or some additional training?

About 27.0% of Riverside residents have a Bachelor's degree, and about 10.3%. have a Master's degree. You want to know if there are any companies that are considered to be in growth industries by economic experts. You have many affordable and flexible education options available to continue your profession education, or to earn a new degree, to put you in position for a promotion, or an new and better job. Don't put your future on hold any longer - a better job at higher pay can be yours. To get more information about online schools, follow this link to your new future: California Online Schools